Green Update

Paundra Hanutama, The Founder Of The Mangrove Jakarta Community

One of the potentials of Indonesia’s marine resources or Indonesia’s maritime resources is mangrove forests. Mangrove forest is a type of forest that is in the tidal area of the sea. During high tide, the mangrove forest is inundated by seawater. The mangrove forest is free from sea water stagnation when the sea water recedes. Generally, mangrove forests develop well on sheltered beaches, estuaries, or lagoons. Two functions of mangrove forests as potential marine resources in Indonesia are ecological and economic. The ecological function, the mangrove forests provide a safe haven as a habitat, food source, and breeding ground for marine life and protect the coast from seawater abrasion. The economic function, Mangrove forests have an economic purpose due to the valuable wood, trees, and wildlife that may be found there. Mangrove forests are very important for maintaining environmental sustainability.


Seeing the importance of mangrove forests in 2014, Paundra Hanutama, Director of Marketing Communication for Hotel and Leisure – The Kuningan Suites and Pastis Restaurant, decided to get involved in conservation efforts to protect this unique and valuable ecosystem by founding the environmental community in 2020 and protecting the mangrove ecosystems in Jakarta by planting mangroves and also educating the society about how important mangrove ecosystems.


“Mangrove forests are very important for the environment, besides being able to store carbon dioxide (CO2) five times compared to protected trees,” said Paundra Hanutama, the Founder of Mangrove Jakarta Community. “…and also these trees can help break down the abrasion as well as the occurrence of a tsunami hazard.” he added it.

The Mangrove Jakarta Community has a volunteer program and is highly receptive to collaboration and partnership with third parties. Currently, we are concentrating on the primary plantings in January (Environment Month) as well as every July 26th, which is World Mangrove Day. Apart from that, this community also has a Tik-Talk program, a talk show and podcast for approximately 8-15 minutes, inviting activists and people who care about mangroves to give stories and messages and invite them to plant mangroves as well. In addition, Mangrove Jakarta Community participates as a facilitator and co-worker in CSR initiatives and events pertaining to the environment, climate change, and mangroves.


“In the future, we intend to restore mangrove forests in Jakarta, with the expectation that everyone will plant at least one tree in response to one of our campaigns,One Man One Mangrove”. Shortly, we plan to film a documentary about mangrove forests and publish a handbook for the mangroves in Jakarta”. Paundra Hanutama closed.


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Evita Cleopatra February 18, 2023 at 4:17 am

Semangat sukses selalu Tuhan Memberkati 🥰

Yetty Nurhandrini,S.E,S.Pd February 18, 2023 at 5:44 am

Penghijauan merupakan sarana untu melestarikan lingkungan, agar lingkungan kembali asri dan sehat tanpa adanya pencemaran
Sukses sll komunitas mangrove


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