Green Update

PT UOB Asset Management Indonesia Plants Mangroves as Part of CSS Efforts

PT UOB Asset Management Indonesia (UOBAMI) and Mangrove Jakarta Community successfully completed its mangrove planting program as part of its Corporate Sustainability Stewardship (CSS) Activity on Saturday, 13 May 2023. Held at Mangrove Ecotourism Center PIK, the program was conducted and aimed to protect the mangrove ecosystems while bringing positive social impact to the region. The mangrove planting program is part of UOBAMI’s initiative to contribute towards creating a sustainable environment. The firm is committed to transforming the investing industry by adopting ecological practices and addressing environmental concerns.

Ari Adil, CEO of UOBAMI said “The mangrove plantation was conducted at Mangrove Ecotourism Center PIK and involved the team for its ecological significance in protecting coastal regions from natural disasters such as tsunamis and typhoons. We realised that the survival of the mangrove ecosystem in this area
was essential for the overall health of the ecosystem and the region’s human population too”.

During the activity, UOBAMI planted over 35 mangrove trees, with guidance from members of the community. The project did not only help in restoring the environment, but it also created job opportunities for the local population, providing economic benefits to the communities. UOBAMI is proud to have been part of the initiative, yielding positive impacts on the environment and the community. The firm is committed to be a responsible corporate citizen, fostering sustainability across the Asian region.

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