Green Update

Coral reefs need your hand!

Indonesia is considered as the world’s richest marine paradise and it has been heard among the nations as the best marine live in the world. This fact has been supported by Greenpeace and it is explained that Indonesia’s coral reefs reach 50,875 sqm, this amounts to 18% of the world’s total coral reefs and 65% of the total area in the coral triangle. Most of these coral reefs are located in the eastern part of Indonesia.

Another amazing fact that attracts world attention that Indonesia has the highest coral species of 569 species, 15 tribes from a total of 845 species of coral in the entire world. At least 2,200 species of reef fish live in ocean. Indonesia is also known as the center of the diversity of mangroves and seagrasses in the world, home to one fifth of the world’s mangrove forest and extensive seagrasses ecosystems.

8 beautiful and amazing marine parks that can be found in Indonesia have become a shelter or home to thousands of different species of fish, coral, endangered marine mammals and reptiles, birds, mollusks and mangrove species. One of this has been regarded as one of the best national parks in Indonesia and it is Bunaken Marine Park (North Sulawesi). Another seven marine parks also has their own beautifulness are Wakatobi National Park (Southeast Sulawesi), Derawan Berau Archipelago (East Kalimantan), Thousand Islands National Park (DKI Jakarta), Banda Sea Park (Maluku), Karimunjawa Island (Central Java), Peucang Island Ujung Kulon (Banten) and Pantar Strait Sea Park (NTT).

Recently, coral reef condition becomes worse, the damages of the coral are not only caused by natural factors, but also human factors, such as fish bombing activities and coral reefs smuggling. This fact was disclosed by Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (FQIA) and LIPI research in 2017 show that about 6.39% coral reefs in very good condition, good (23,40%), enough (35,06%) and bad condition (35,15%).

This condition warned us and we need immediately to act and save the corals. Hopefully by inviting people or groups who care about the go green, climate change and environment  movements to join coral and mangrove planting as much as 1000 pieces in Pantai Pramuka – Thousand Island is a start of step to help sea or mother nature, save  and protect coral reefs.

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